Details below will be updated for 2025 event soon. Registration to be open in June.
Entry Deadline: August 16, 2024. After this date, teams will be able to register but will be placed on the wait list and a $50 late fee will apply if accepted.
U7/U8 - $180 (Friday night only)
U9/U10 - $525
U11/U12 - $675
U13/U14 - $800
U15 & Up - $850
Additional $20 software fee charged by Gotsport.
Teams will need a Gotsport account to apply.
Credit card is the only method of payment. We will cover the transaction fees.
Teams will not be charged or accepted until August 7.
No refunds will be given after August 16.
We are a Stay & Play tournament. All hotel reservations need to be made by August 24, 2024 to receive the Phoenix Rising Cup rate. You can find more information under the Travel tab, or click the HOTEL RESERVATION LINK.
Your team not playing? Click HERE to register as a Guest Player.
Team check in will be handled completely online
All required documents must be uploaded to your Gotsport team account by August 28.
Roster freeze is midnight on August 29, as we will be printing out game cards the following day. Players NOT listed on the roster/game card are not eligible to play.
All teams must upload* the following documents to their Gotsoccer team account:
Team Acknowledgment Agreement (download document below or during registration)
Loaner Player Forms: Any guest players from another club must provide loaner paperwork.
IMPORTANT: Players NOT on the roster will not be eligible to play, including Guest Players.
* TO UPLOAD DOCUMENTS (after registered)
- Log in to your Gotsport account (as the assigned coach or manager).
- Click on your team.
- Select Team Registrations on the top bar.
- Select the Phoenix Rising Cup event then the Registration tab.
- Click the yellow Edit button.
- Scroll down to Team Acknowledgement Agreement Upload and Choose File to upload your signed form.
- Complete the same process for Loaner Player Forms (separate file for each player).
Roster sizes are as follows:
U7/U8 - maximum of 7 players and may be mixed between male and female
U9/U10 - maximum of 14 players
U11/U12 - maximum of 18 players
U13+ - maximum of 22 players
A team may add up to five (5) guest players, not to exceed above stated maximums.
Players may not play for more that one (1) team during the tournament. No player will be allowed to play in a younger age bracket.
Referees will check in players against the roster and passes at the field prior to the game.
Duration of games and overtimes (by halves) and ball size are as follows:
Group Age OT/PK Time Ball Size
U7/U8 No 10 minutes* 3
U9/U10 No 20 minutes* 4
U11/U12 No 25 minutes* 4
U13 plus No 30 minutes* 5
U15 and up No 35 minutes* 5
* Games will have additional water breaks as necessary. One break will be given approximately half way through a half. Time given will be one minute while the clock will continue to run. Delay of restart by coaches or players will be subject to a caution.
Halftime: 5 minutes
Outside of our control, games can be affected due to extreme temperatures. In accordance with the US Club Soccer, we follow the US Soccer Federation Guidelines for extreme heat using the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) index. U.S. Soccer Heat Guidelines.
Refer to Inclement Weather Contingency Plan in the Rules & Regulations.